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Encaustic wax on cradled wood panel, 36x18. 


This is the largest and most layered & luminous encaustic piece ever- 8-9 layers of luscious, glass-like wax. You can literally look into the painting and see the layers. I LOVE it❤️ I started with beeswax over a white ground, developed my ideas in ink, added layers of encaustic paint, and finished with translucent pigment sticks. Lots of scraping, ironing and fusing at each step.


To purchase:
1. Email me your name, shipping address, phone number and email:
2. Venmo payment to @Alison-Fullerton-Art


Price does not include shipping, (US only) est'd at $60 for most locations. 

Nashville Skyline Blues

    Alison Fullerton Art - Nashville, TN
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